CityVille Cheat Free Gift Bonus Everyday [Update 27-03-2012]

Posted by Unknown On Senin, 26 Maret 2012 0 komentar
CityVille Cheat Free Gift Bonus Everyday [Update 27-03-2012]

Cheat CityVille! We will send you "Special Delivery Crates, Mystery Gifts, Energy & Permits" Everyday. How to Recieve the Game Bonus Everyday? Simply click the gifts below. (Note: Choose 1 type of gift to get 10. CityVille limit is set to 10 gifts per day!)

*The links below might not work for everyone due to different Time Zones we have, Best of luck to all.
* All Links will expire after 1 day. LIKE us on facebook we will post an update if we have new links

Like my Facebook fun page and Get Bonus Xp, Energy, Population, Zoning Permit last Update :
Click link Below to get "Bonus Community Bonus Pack, Airport Scanner, Energy, Population, Zoning Permit"
[update 27-03-2012]
  1. Community Bonus Pack
  2. Airport Scanner
  3. +3 Energy
  4. +20 Bonus Population
  5. +20 Bonus Population
  6. +20 Bonus Population
  7. +20 Bonus Population
  8. +20 Bonus Population
  9. +20 Bonus Population
  10. +20 Bonus Population
  11. +20 Bonus Population
  12. +20 Bonus Population
  13. +20 Bonus Population
  14. +1 Zoning Permit
  15. +1 Zoning Permit
  16. +1 Zoning Permit
  17. +1 Zoning Permit
  18. +1 Zoning Permit
  19. +1 Zoning Permit
  20. +1 Zoning Permit
  21. +1 Zoning Permit
  22. +1 Zoning Permit
  23. +1 Zoning Permit

For complete other list of CityVille & Materials go to this page:

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