Pengertian, Contoh dan Rumus Future Perfect Tense

Posted by Unknown On Sabtu, 16 Februari 2013 0 komentar
Pengertian Future Perfect Tense

Future Perfect Tense adalah bentuk waktu yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu peristiwa atau perbuatan yang akan telah terjadi atau akan telah selesai dilakukan diwaktu tertentu di masa yang akan datang.

Pada Future Perfect Tense semua subjectmenggunakan kata “Have” sebagai Auxiliary Verb.
Kata "Shall" hanya digunakan untuk Subject “I” dan “we” saja.

Rumus dan Contoh Kalimat Future Perfect Tense

Mengekspresikan kalimat Future Perfect Tense yang menggunakan kata kerja (VERB)

Subject + WILL / SHALL + Have + Verb 3 + Object
Subject + WILL / SHALL + NOT + HAVE + Verb 3 + Object
WILL / SHALL + Subject + HAVE + Verb 3 + Object ?
Question Word + WILL / SHALL + Subject + HAVE + Verb 3 + Object ?

Contoh :
You will have finished the work, by the end of this month.
She will not have gone to home by 10 am.
Will you have finished your work by tomorrow?
Jawaban: Yes I will, atau No, I will not (won't)
Shall he have prepared my motorcycle if all of my friends will go by next day?
Jawaban: Yes he shall, atau No, he shall not
When will they have arrived ?

Mengekspresikan kalimat Future Perfect Tense yang tidak menggunakan kata kerja (NON VERB)

Subject + WILL / SHALL + HAVE + Been + Non Verb + Object
Subject + WILL / SHALL + NOT + HAVE + Been + Non Verb + Object
WILL / SHALL + Subject + HAVE + Been + Non Verb + Object ?
Question Word + WILL/SHALL + Subject + be + Non Verb + Object ?

Contoh :
By next year, I will have been here for work
He will not (won't) have been by the end of this day.
Will you have been there by tomorrow morning?
Jawaban: Yes I will, atau No, I will not (won't)
Shall he have been at home by the dinner time?
Jawaban: Yes he shall, atau No, he shall not
When will he have been in New York?

Keterangan waktu untuk Future Perfect Tense yang digunakan adalah: 
By next month, by the next year, by the end of this month, by the end of this day, by the end of this year, etc.

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